August 31, 2014

AB & C - Autism, Black boys & CDC Whistleblower

Due to the media black out (no pun intended) on this issue many of you may not have heard the story of CDC whistleblower who claims that the CDC covered up link between the MMR vaccine and a 340% increased risk of autism in black boys. For a more indepth explaination of the cover up - go here.

I don't want to simply reiterate the story, I want to go a little deeper into some of the connected issues this story reveals

A is for Autism
Traditionally, Autism has been presented as a wealthy white disorder. The images presented by the media always show well educated, wealthy people and families living with autism. Many families in the autism community know differently that affects children of races and hues, but this image has always been prominent. It infuriates me to find out that the CDC manipulated data to remove black boys being affected at a rate of almost 400%. Yes this is damaging to the children of all, but it also left black families to ignorant to the effects that the MMR vaccine posed to their children.  The total disregard of a whole segment of the population shows that the CDC is a dangerous and evil organization that we can no longer let propogate lies any longer. There must be an accounting for this omission, and unfortunately I know this is just the tip of the iceberg.

B is for Black boys

Why black boys? What does this say about any and all the studies the CDC has presented to black americans about our health? Isn't everything up for debate now?

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